1 min read

Corruption in QLD! The Labor moves to pass anti-worker legislation

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Labor has moved to block independent unions from representing members at the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission. This impacts all government employees including thousands of Queensland nurses, teachers, police and more. 

Covered in the Courier Mail here and ABC Radio, is the impact of the amendments to the Industrial Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Bill. 

“Ultimately, this is a bill to further entrench the Labor-aligned union monopoly in Queensland and take away choices for teachers, nurses, and other frontline workers."

Listen to Red Union CEO, Jack McGuire on ABC.

The Red Union has protested and spoken out about the corruption of this bill in our 'Once Choice is No Choice campaign. 

Our members have also been supported by a number of politicians who have spoken out against these amendments. QLD IR Bill Second Reading - Who supports Red Union and who doesn't.