Red Union News

The latest news from the Red Union Support Team.

Public Sector Reform: A Conversation with Graham Haycroft

Listen to the full interview from 4BC Drive:

Public Sector Reform A Discussion with Red Unions Graham Haycroft 4BC Radio

IWUA Case Win #1315: Underpayment Resolved

A Victorian member of IWUA identified that they were being underpaid shortly before their...

NPAQ Case Win #1310: Workload Reduction & Early Maternity Leave

A QLD nurse is celebrating after her recent workplace WIN against her employer. On the brink of...

We Support NSW Nurses & Midwives

Nurses' Professional Association of NSW Secretary, Anita Scutts, expresses support for NSW nurses...

QLD Police Service & the Community Loses Confidence in Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll, as the QPS demands her resignation

Queensland Police Service and the community loses confidence in Police Commissioner Katarina...

Work injuries and  medical reviews

Help! I’ve been directed to attend an IME. What do I do? 

In most contests, the prepared person...

Corruption in QLD! The Labor moves to pass anti-worker legislation

Labor has moved to block independent unions from representing members at the Queensland Industrial...

Why the Job Summit is not about workers

Image: Johannes Leak, Cartoonist at The Australian

The Jobs and Skills Summit is about money...

Redcast  Income Protection

Welcome to the Episode 4 of the Red Union's Podcast "REDCAST".

Redcast: Union Right of Entry

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Red Union's Podcast series "REDCAST" with Red Union Case Manager...